Mr. Sean Celi

Treasurer of the Board







Welcome to Mr. Sean Celi who is joining the AFTA-Cincinnati Board of Directors in 2024.

Sean is an engineering consultant for Huntington Ingalls Industries, Inc. He advises the government and private industry as a subject matter expert in the area of test and evaluation. He has more than 25 years of experience in the aviation and defense industry. He served in the United States Air Force for 21 years and retired in 2018 as a Lieutenant Colonel.

Sean continues to serve military members through his work on the AFTA Board. Sean also contributes as treasurer utilizing his executive experience to support the organization’s operations. Through supporting the AFTA mission, Sean performs board duties as a natural extension from active duty service to provide much deserved opportunity to military members and their families.

He is involved in several veterans’ organizations including the VFW Post 6979 SSgt George Seimer Post, Cincinnati, Military Order of Foreign Wars – Ohio Commandery, and the Daedalians.