This website for use by Active Armed Forces, Retired Military, Veterans and Fallen Heroes Families.  Ticket Sponsors or Financial Sponsors welcome.  Otherwise, please, no solicitations.





Subscribe to Our eNewsletter or Contact Us/Register on Website

Armed Forces Tickets Association - Cincinnati

5955 Drake Rd
Cincinnati, OH 45243
Leave Voice Mail Only: 513-841-2382  Staff Direct: 513-207-6944
Email Us:  [email protected]

Thanks for your interest in AFTA-Cincinnati!  There are two ways to sign up on our website.  Step 1 below or fill out the fields at the bottom of this page (Step 2).  Please take time to read this page and browse our website!

  • To receive tickets to events through the AFTA-Cincinnati website, please register on the EVENT TAB in any active event.  You can create your own password when you do this process.  Use any active event and then email us at [email protected] to cancel the tickets from your login id.  You will be all set up for the next event that you are actually interested in attending.
  • If there is no active event with tickets available, you may register on this page - CONTACT US - just fill out all the fields below.  BE SURE TO ENTER INTO THE COMMENTS SECTION why you are contacting us or what assistance you need with the website.  You cannot change your Account Profile on this page.  If you wish to receive tickets from AFTA-Cincinnati, EVERY field on this page needs to be filled out to receive a temporary password and be able to register for future events. Any missing fields will result in a delay in getting your password! It would be helpful to us if you would please type in Mixed Block, not all capitals and not all lower case. 
  • If you only want to subscribe to the newsletter or email blasts and do not want to receive tickets, please fill out the E-NEWSLETTER section on your account profile page on on your Dashboard.  You may also use the CONTACT US page and leave us a comment that says you only want to get our emails and are not interested in tickets.
  • Please DO NOT subscribe to our E-Newsletter as a TICKET PARTNER if you are serving in the military or are a veteran/retiree.
  • For questions, please fill out the Contact Us Page completely and someone will contact you within 2-4 business days.  Make sure you add a COMMENT.  If you are trying to update your Account Profile/contact information.  This is not the page to do it.  Log in on the Event tab and modify your Account profile from drop down at the top right where it says "Welcome" and your name.
  • Please include both your home and cell phone number, so that we can contact you if you want to be waitliste for tickets when we have ticket cancellations. If your numbers change or your address changes, we need you to keep your profile up-to-date if you want to continue receiving tickets.
  • DO NOT USE THE DASHBOARD PAGE TO COMMUNICATE WITH AFTA!  We do not use that part of the website.  We also do not use the TEXTING function on the Dashboard.

Thank you!

DISCLAIMER: By registering for our newsletter or signing up for our events, you agree to abide by the rules of our website, including allowing us to share your contact info with our ticket partners and to use your name and any comments/pictures you submit.  We reserve the right to remove access or ban any member who abuses the website or fails to abide by the rules.  Our Cancellation/NoShow Policy is posted on a link at the left of the Home Page page.  Failure to notifiy us of cancellations in advance could result in suspension of your privileges on our website.  Last minute cancellations are not acceptable and will be considered a "no-show".

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