Located in scenic Eden Park, the Cincinnati Art Museum features an unparalleled art collection of more than 60,000 works spanning 6,000 years. In addition to displaying its own broad collection, the Art Museum also hosts several national and international traveling exhibitions each year.
Current Ticket Discount:
General admission to the Cincinnati Art Museum is free every day, made possible by a generous gift from The Richard and Lois Rosenthal Foundation. Special exhibition fees may apply.
Saturday's free admission is made possible by The Thomas J. Emery Free Day Endowment established by Mary Emery in 1906.
Free general admission for children is made possible in part through an endowment established by Cincinnati Financial Corporation/The Cincinnati Insurance Companies. Special exhibition or education program fees may apply to children.
To purchase special exhibition tickets in advance, call (513) 721-ARTS or visit our Tickets.com online ticket site.
Web Page: Cincinnati Art Museum
Handicap Accessibility: Yes (By arrangement)
Box Office Phone:
1 513-721-2787
Box Office Hours:
Tuesdays through Sundays, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Wednesdays, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Closed on Mondays
Closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Day and the Fourth of July.
Physical Location:
Eden Park Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Additional Misc. Information:
Free parking is available at the Cincinnati Art Museum. Parking is limited and at certain events off-site shuttles are provided to accommodate demand. Call (513) 721-ARTS for details on shuttle service.
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